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Jeff Felberbaum, Founder

NL (Mobile / WhatsApp): +31 (0)6 840 80 991

U.S.A. (WhatsApp) : +1 (413)210-0999


About Us

Drop us an email and we will get back to you as soon as we can


World Frisbee Day 1.0 (WFD) will be the first ever global celebration of flying disc (frisbee) play and the iconic object itself.

It’s a big shout out to novices, expert amateurs, pros, and everyone in between; young - and young at heart:

Let's Play…Together!


There are any number of great reasons why World Frisbee Day.

We think some of the best ones are that tossing a frisbee with someone sparks joy, helps us to be playful, reminds us that everyone, everywhere, should have an equal chance to fly, and because (even though it technically is a ball and not - unfortunately - a disc), we have a pretty nice place to play here and we ought to take better care of it.

While it's a bit silly that our species needs a flying saucer invasion to remind us of this stuff, we've all been treating each other like aliens for quite long enough, don't you think?


Let's Play…Together!


Of course, everyone is welcome to celebrate the day however they wish. However, we suggest that rather than solely giving center stage to any of the various flying disc sports (e.g., “Ultimate”, Disc Golf, Freestyle, etc.) that have gained popularity over the years, what we'd love to see on World Frisbee Day is for pros, experts, and fans of all things frisbee come together to share their enthusiasm and skills with new friends by helping them (for starters!) get just a little bit better at throwing and catching, just for fun!

In case you haven’t noticed, not so many people that aren’t already frisbee fanatics of one sort or another can play well enough to even get a flying disc to go where they would like them to.

Meanwhile, there’s a vast amount of talent out there (you know who you are!) but up until now, no simple way to spread it around that doesn’t involve, um, staring at a screen…

We're pretty certain that lots more people would be lots more interested in playing, spectating, and supporting lots more of the cool stuff that can be done with frisbees (of every kind) if they could actually get the dang things to fly straight (or at all), and if they had someone nice to show them how.

Of all the things one can do with frisbees, casual, non-sport specific, recreational play has mostly fallen by the wayside. We know there are many exceptions, but generally speaking, if you go to a park or a playground, you’re not gonna see a bunch of people playing just for fun. We think that’s a shame, and that World Frisbee Day is a great way to do something about it.


…is the name we’ve given to the activity that takes center stage at all the events we’ve been running for the past 5 years or so. It’s also how we name most of our events. FrisbeeJAM! is a catchy (hah!) way to describe throwing and catching frisbees for fun, exercise, and positive sociality, with an emphasis on play rather than winning or the pursuit of expertise in a solely competitive context. Remember when just playing frisbee was a thing? It’s not just for athletes, and has a long history of attracting and bringing together folks who generally don’t find organized sports particularly appealing. That’s how many of us got started playing back in the day to begin with! Sports are great, but play is universal. All you need is a frisbee and a friend. Add a little guidance, and it’s way more fun. Progress, or just keep it casual.

Let's Play…Together!


Of course, like many things, it's better to do it with a friend! But to be a part of World Frisbee Day, all you really need is a frisbee…and a day! All you awesome introverts, take notice!

A solitary enthusiast can literally throw (both caution and) saucer to the wind: “boomerang” frisbee tossing - throwing a flying disc into an oncoming breeze and catching it on its return - can be either (or both) a casual activity and / or a thrilling, highly competitive field and spectator event (known as Self Caught Flights - SCF for short).

Meanwhile, a single skilled “Freestyle” frisbee player is only limited by their imagination, and can “jam” (improvised play) solo with their disc for hours, performing one stunning maneuver after another.

Of (on, or off) course, DiscGolf, throwing REALLY FAR, and making crazy trick shots can all be played, practiced and enjoyed in solitude. Sure, let's play together! But if you can’t (or just need a bit of quiet), go ahead and play anyway.


Of all places, WFD 1.0’s ground zero is in the beautiful city of Arnhem, The Netherlands, the first municipality in the world to embrace the concept, and (maybe not so coincidentally) the (new) hometown of WFD’s founder, Jeff Felberbaum, 3x World Freestyle Frisbee Champion and 2016 (inaugural - “Pioneer of the Sport” - class) Freestyle Disc Hall of Fame inductee.

Arnhem has a great Ultimate club, a DiscGolf course in a lovely park, a sprawling, lush, central city park, numerous athletic fields, and many pleasant green spaces that are suitable for the various events planned there.

We'd like to see World Frisbee Day happen in every city, town, and village on every continent on earth, but...the main place World Frisbee Day should happen is right where you are!

We’ll be suggesting guidelines for affiliated event coordinators and partners as things continue to roll out, but you don't need to have or join any kind of organization to be a part of World Frisbee Day. Your celebration can be as small or as big as your imagination. If you need some help figuring out what to do, feel free to get in touch.


Did someone mention sustainability? World Frisbee Day's gotcha covered. Our official discs are made of organic plastic. It's how we roll…er, fly, that is. Produced by our incredible Italian partners in Rimini (one of the most happening frisbee destinations on Earth, by the way ), our FrisBIO saucers are perfect for recreational and all around play and can be custom printed according to your specifications, those of your event sponsors, or your dog’s obedience school.

U pick.

For Ultimate players, collectors, and all those “heavers” (peeps that just LOVE to throw BIG PLASTIC very hard and far) out there, EuroDisc (the first ever producer of organic plastic frisbees) will be printing up commemorative WFD FrisBIO plastic 175g regulation ultimate discs and matching organic minis.

All makers of quality flying discs that are produced with integrity are cordially invited to participate.


In early 2016, Jeff Felberbaum (who'd left the game some thirty years prior and had become a social worker) was informed of his impending Hall of Fame induction along with many of the great players he had admired as a novice back in the day. Although he’d thought about it every so often, for decades Jeff hadn't been able to find a good enough reason to toss his hat…uh, that is…his frisbee…back into the ring (umm, onto the field).

Like many people that care, he was pretty regularly occupied by the activity of scratching his head and looking for better ways to help folks find their way in the world, and for the world to not be so hard to live in. Realizing that the joy of playing frisbee wasn't at all a bad way to make people happy and inspire us to treat each other and the planet better, the idea for World Frisbee Day was born. Figuring that with all the goofballs running things, it was time to do his part and Frisbee The Change he wanted to see in the world. That sounded like a pretty good organizing principle, and so it became his motto, the name of his nonprofit and forthcoming book, followed by his FrisbeeJAM! concept and World Frisbee Day (his new besties).

Yeah. #FrisbeeTheChange.

We likes it.


WorldFrisbeeDay.Org’s digital platform (coming soon!) will provide basic coordination and support to local WFD event hosts, partners, and frisbee friends around the world. We will do our best to create livestream coverage that links our friends and partners everywhere, but really we'd rather everyone just get off your screens and come out and play.

While we’d like some basic things to happen at every instance of WFD, there is really no limit to how organizers and participants can express their love for all things frisbee.

From collecting and frisbee history to the thrilling games of Guts, Double Disc Court, and more, there's something for every skilled frisbee player, novice, and spectator everywhere to love about World Frisbee Day, and there are frisbee fanatics all over the world that are aching to show everyone else how to get involved.


Anyone that spins (!) or resonates with what we're up to* is already a friend of World Frisbee Day.

Want to contribute, join the fun, or connect in some positive way? Throw us a message. We know where you live…so don’t worry, we'll also be reaching out to you, but feel free to catch (!) us first. Our forthcoming website will feature groups and organizations for whom the whole WFD vibe has always been part of their DNA.

*WFD’s original slogan was “Play, Peace, Planet!”, but if you read between some of the lines, you'll probably still get the idea.


Can’t afford a frisbee? One of the priorities of World Frisbee Day is to make sure that nobody that wants in gets left out. We’re a non-profit, and we want to coordinate bringing together the generosity of individuals and organizations who share our interests with people, groups, and nations that want to participate. So, give us a shout.

Let’s Play…Together!


Jeff Felberbaum, Founder

World Frisbee Day

NL (Mobile / WhatsApp): +31 (0)6 840 80 991

U.S.A. (Mobile - SMS / Voicemail only, or WhatsApp (Voice / Text): +1 (413)210-0999
